Keep the old or buy a new car?
How many Kilometres will your car last?
The Government often introduces programs like cash for old car. Some people can trade in their older vehicles in order to get better fuel economy and receive a government rebate. However, many people, “me included” have an older car that we prefer to keep. My car is an older Mitsubishi that has 125,000 kilometres, I use it mainly for going to work, shopping...etc, I have no need for a new car and frankly like to keep my old car on the road for as long as I can, and it really suits my needs.
Many of our customers feel the same way about their cars. They are good commuters, they are good grocery getter or toy haulers and enjoy the fact that they are paid off or soon will be. They will gladly keep their vehicles for 300,000 kilometres or more as long as it is economical to do so.
There are plenty of vehicles that are still running with 250K or 350K kilometres and we can learn from what they’re doing to keep our own cars on the road. I find the common denominator is never to skip an oil change. This may sound a little unsophisticated but it really is not. Oil is the lifeblood of your engine and it needs to be clean and properly lubricating. Skipping oil changes will lead to a clogged oil filter and sludge that can damage your engine, enough said.
Another reason not to skip oil changes is simple. A qualified mechanic will be inspecting your car. Fluid levels would be inspected and topped up helping to prevent damage possibilities. For example, if there is a significant loss of brake fluid, the technicians at Total Care Auto can look for the cause and find the problem before it results in an accident or costly repairs. We also visually check the belts, hoses, uneven tyre wear, leaking shock absorbers and a lot more. The problems get addressed before they lead to repairs that cost more than the car is worth. And we can remind you of other services the factory recommends you get done at specific times.
Just think of that oil change service the same way you do about going to the dentist for your six month cleaning and check up. Do not neglect it!
Realistically, things are going to wear out as your car ages. On your way to 300,000 kilometres you would go through several batteries, probably a couple of alternators, water pumps, set of shocks, likely some brake pads and rotors. Of course these things cost money but they are much less expensive than a new vehicle’s payments.
With the correct service and regular inspections you will keep unexpected repairs to a minimum and keep more money in your wallet.
Book your Car now for a Service and Free Inspection at Total Care Auto.
Dealer or a private shop?
Total Care Auto as a private workshop cares about the relationship with our customers regardless of the specific make of vehicles they own. For example if you change your vehicle make from a Toyota to a Ford, you can rest assured that the technicians at Total Care Auto will be there for you when you need something done. And our personal relationship with you will continue.
At the dealership, the customer is pretty much locked in to their round of parts. Of course we can provide the same thing here at Total Care Auto but we can also offer upgraded parts which perform better and last longer as well as finding parts that are cheaper if there is a money issue.
Our cost structure is very different from the dealership. Recent surveys show that repair costs at independent shops average 34% less than with dealerships.
We at Total Care Auto also spend much time and money on training to stay ahead on new technologies. They say that the average car these days has more Computer Power on board than the Apollo 13 rocket. We at Total Care Auto have computer systems to meet increasing demand of the latest car technologies.
At Total Care Auto, you the customer are a VIP. The customer gets individual attention from the business owner who personally cares about the service and the results of the repairs. Unlike a corporate structure where they put money first, customers are then treated as numbers because what matters is the bottom line dollar.
Use us, and local gets a job. Use them, a share holder gets richer.
Book your car for service with us today.
Do not become a breakdown statistics! Service your car with us.
0422 379 120