Blue Slip
What is a Blue Slip?
Authorised Unregistered Vehicle Inspection Station (AUVIS) scheme (Blue Slips)
Total Care Auto is equipped to give you an up-to-the-minute evaluation to prove your new or used vehicle is roadworthy and meets design and identity standards the RTA requires in a Blue slip inspection. We cater for Cars light Trucks, Motor bikes and Trailers.
At Total Care Auto, we have simplified the whole process of registering your vehicle. Once you obtain the Blue Slip, it will also come with the required forms to complete the registration. Once you get a green slip, you are now ready to register you vehicle at the nearest RTA.
The features of a "blue slip" inspection that differ from Safety Checks include:
- an enhanced vehicle identity check which is intended to accurately identify the vehicle.
- the possible addition of a written-off vehicle check which is designed to help detect stolen vehicles which have been re-identified using the identities of wrecked vehicles bought at auction.
- the inclusion of a design check to ensure that a vehicle meets vehicle design and construction standards.
- blue slip is also required for interstate vehicle in order to be registered in NSW.
Do not become a breakdown statistics! Service your car with us.
0422 379 120