General Mechanical
The Air Filter
From our science class at school most of us can remember that combustion requires three things. air, fuel and spark. Air is the focus of this discussion.
What is the quality of the air outside your vehicle? Is it full of smoke? Is it full of pollen? Is it dusty?
People who suffer with hay fever can tell you that there is plenty in the air that you cannot see. The function of the engine’s air filter is to clean that air before it enters the engine to mix with the fuel in order to be burned.
Tyres - Repair or Replace
Serviceable Repair. This is an industry term you should be aware of. A serviceable repair is one that can be safely and legally performed to get you back on the road. To qualify as a serviceable repair, the damage must be within certain size limit; some holes are just too big to plug. The angle of penetration is also a factor for consideration and the location of the damage is extremely important.
Poisonous Exhaust
Exhaust service is much more complicated these days. In fact the Federal Government has mandated the use of the catalytic converter and an on-board Emission Control Computer. The government has imposed on manufacturers to come up with more sophisticated ways to comply with environmental regulations.
The cooling system keeps the engine from overheating by moving heat away from the engine. That sounds pretty simple. Right? But there are lots of components to make the whole thing work right.
The Timing Belt
It is NOT the belt that you see once you open up the bonnet and look at the front of the engine. The Timing Belt in a motor vehicle is a mystery to many people. Most are unaware of where it is situated or what its function is.
What happens when the Timing Belt breaks?
Engine Coolant
Engine Coolant is used to move heat away from the engine. This is to prevent expensive damage occurring as a result of overheating. Water does a good job of holding heat but as we are all aware it freezes at zero degrees Celsius and it boils at 100° C. This is the reason why coolant is mixed with water. It lowers the freezing point and raises the boiling point as well. A 50/50 blend of water and coolant is the usual recommendation.
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